Iowa’s Republican Senators: Health Care Law Repeal Unlikely

Lowering expectations, Iowa’s two Republican senators say the long-promised repeal of “Obamacare” is unlikely, and any final agreement with the Republican-controlled House is uncertain. The comments Tuesday by Sens. Chuck Grassley and Joni Ernst come as the Republican-controlled Senate moves forward on its work to dismantle the 2010 health care bill while facing conflicting demands…

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DC Roundup: Trump on Russia, McCain on Russia, WH Staffer Resigns

Developments in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday include President Donald Trump sending a series of early morning tweets that Russia must be laughing at the U.S. over investigations, longtime Republican Senator John McCain calling Russia a bigger challenge than Islamic State; the U.S. successfully testing a missile defense system, and the White House communications director resigns:…

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Trump Frustrated by ‘Fake News’ That Overlooks His Accomplishments

White House spokesman Sean Spicer abruptly walked out of his press briefing Tuesday as journalists shouted questions after him, highlighting the increasingly adversarial relationship between the Trump administration and the reporters who cover it. After a testy 20-minute question-and-answer session, Spicer told the jam-packed White House briefing room that President Donald Trump was frustrated with…

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DC Roundup: Memorial Day Events, Trump ‘Confidence’ in Kushner, Merkel on Ties

Developments over the weekend concerning President Donald Trump include holding his first Memorial Day events, saying he has “total confidence” in his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, regarding the ongoing Russia investigation, speaking out against a hate crime against Muslims in Portland, Oregon, as well as a spokeswoman for German Chancellor Angela Merkel saying she remains committed…

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