Virginia Man Uses 3D Printer to Make Mask Shields for Health Workers

A Virginia man is doing his part to help medical workers caring for people with COVID-19. Jeremy Filko is using his 3-D printer to create plastic mask shields for doctors, nurses and other first responders. Due to a shortage, some medical workers are being asked to reuse their N95 medical face masks, which are usually discarded after one use. “Everybody heard about the…

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US Senate Passes Economic Relief Bill as Lawmakers Race to Help Economy Hit Hard by Coronavirus

The U.S. Senate late Wednesday passed an unprecedented economic relief package aimed at propping up an American economy increasingly paralyzed by efforts to contain the coronavirus.The bill still must clear the Democratic-majority House of Representatives before being signed into law by President Donald Trump. House leaders said they expect the bill to pass by a…

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US Whiskey Maker Starts Producing Hand Sanitizer

Hand sanitizer is one of the products Americans have been stockpiling during the coronavirus outbreak and that’s left many store shelves empty of the product.  That shortage is prompting companies like a small distillery in Falls Church, Virginia, to find creative ways to help.Instead of producing whiskey, gin or vodka, Falls Church Distillers is busy making high-alcohol-content hand sanitizers. “We’ve pivoted…

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The Other Pandemic: World Urged to Learn TB Lessons 

With the death toll soaring past 300,000 this year and a quarter of humanity now infected, the pandemic shows no signs of abating as it spreads invisibly throughout vulnerable communities.   Yet unlike the novel coronavirus, this disease is preventable, curable and centuries-old: tuberculosis.   On the occasion of Staff inspect medical equipments at an emergency hospital set up amid…

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New Study Looks into Why Females Live Longer than Males

Women live longer than men across the world and scientists have by and large linked the sex differences in longevity with biological foundation to survival. A new study of wild mammals has found considerable differences in life span and aging in various mammalian species.  Among humans, women’s life span is almost 8% on average longer than men’s life span. But among wild mammals, females in 60% of the studied species have, on average, 18.6% longer lifespans. The ratio is considerably different for different groups of mammals.  An international team of…

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