Australian Research Identifies Kidney-Protecting Gene

Researchers in Australia have identified a gene that indicates the kidney has its own way of resisting damage. However, they have also identified a mutation of the gene that can in patients with, for example, diabetes, trigger the development of renal disease.  A gene called VANGL1 has been found to help stop the immune system from attacking the kidney. But Australian researchers say the genetic…

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Millions of Somalis Facing Conflict, Drought, Disease Need Lifesaving Assistance

The United Nations estimates 7.7 million people, half of Somalia’s population, will require humanitarian assistance and protection in 2022.It is appealing for $1.5 billion to assist 5.5 million of the most vulnerable among them. Decades of conflict, recurrent climatic shocks, disease outbreaks, and increasing poverty, including the socio-economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic are devastating…

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