What Is in the Nunes Memo?

A controversial document prepared by Republican members of Congress accuses U.S. law enforcement officials of abusing their surveillance authorities during the Russia investigation. The 3½-page secret memo, written by Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee, was released Friday after President Donald Trump authorized its declassification. What the memo alleges The memo’s key allegation is that…

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House Republicans Release Memo Alleging Political Bias by Top Law Officers

The House Intelligence Committee has released a bitterly disputed memo outlining allegations by Republicans that top law enforcement officials abused their powers of surveillance in their probe of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. The memo was given to reporters shortly after President Donald Trump approved declassification of the memo, which was written by…

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RNC Sides with Trump Ban of Transgender People in Military

The Republican National Committee is siding with President Donald Trump on his order to bar transgender individuals from serving in the U.S. military. In a resolution passed at its annual winter meeting Friday, the committee voted to support Trump’s August demand that military recruitment policy consider transgender as “a disqualifying psychological and physical” condition. Trump’s…

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Trump Warns Republicans Against Labeling Young Immigrants as ‘Dreamers’

U.S. President Donald Trump warned Republican lawmakers Thursday against labeling hundreds of thousands of young immigrants facing deportation as “Dreamers,” as their advocates call them while trying to keep him from returning them to their native countries. “Some people call it Dreamers. It’s not Dreamers. Don’t fall into that trap,” Trump told the Republicans at…

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Top Democrats Schumer, Pelosi Call for Removal of House Intelligence Chair

Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer on Thursday called for the removal of Republican Devin Nunes as chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives Intelligence Committee, citing actions  that undermine a federal probe into possible collusion between President Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and Russia. Schumer sent House Speaker Paul Ryan a letter “demanding the Speaker immediately…

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